Overview of Projects

Starting in 2013, the City of Oakland became the fortunate recipient of successive State of Oregon TGM (Transportation and Growth Management) Grants for improvements related to transportation and land use planning. The projects and their relationship to one another are summarized below:

1.Multi-Use Path Strategy (2016)

The Oakland Multi-Use Path Strategy Project carries forward a high priority project identified in the Local Street Network Plan.  The proposed multi-use path (Path) will provide a convenient, non-automobile transportation alternative for local trips within the community. The Multi-Use Path Implementation Strategy (MPS) will identify access points, preferred alignments, key road crossing options, Path standards, design elements, regulatory requirements, preliminary cost estimates, and potential sources of funding while ensuring compliance with local standards. 

The Path will offer an alternative transportation option for City residents and tourists. The proposed Path will provide convenient and safe access to attractions within Oakland, reduce reliance on automobiles, and address the bicycle and pedestrian constraints that exist within the City

Project Objectives
  • Link the Path to key attractors, such as shopping, schools, residential areas, and other community destinations;
  • Provide well-designed, visible, safe and convenient access points and street crossings;
  • Provide shorter trip lengths between destinations on the Path than on road networks, to increase the Path’s potential to function as a meaningful transportation alternative;
  • Refine the community vision for the overall Path design, expressed through different treatments and design themes for distinctive Path sections;
  • Identify and initiate contact with adjacent property owners
  • Address safety and security of Path users;
  • Identify Path standards, cross-sections, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other statutory and regulatory requirements;
  • Determine preliminary cost estimates and potential funding sources
 The adopted, project-level MPS will contain the following elements:

  • Documented opportunities and constraint
  • A public involvement plan, to encourage participation in promoting and constructing the path 
  • Preferred alignments and estimated costs 
  • Presentation of possible themes and amenities 
  • Initiation and documentation of access and acquisition discussions with property owners 
  • An outline of next steps, practical roles and responsibilities

 2.Code Assistance (2015-2016)

The objective of Code Assistance is to investigate and implement code changes that support TGM objectives and smart development practices. Particular attention must be paid to the following topics:

  •  Improve the multi-modal nature of the downtown area along State Highway 99  using TGM principles and objectives, with equal emphasis placed on pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicles. 
  • Maintain and strengthen the historic character of the City’s downtown development. 
  • Assess deficiencies in the City’s development code and areas where improvement is needed to achieve increased livability in the city according to TGM principles and objectives while creating a pathway to achieve the objectives of multi-function shared streets and increased multi-modal emphasis in the City.
In order to achieve this objective, the Consultant shall use relevant information and methods from the TGM Smart Development Code Handbook, Model Development Code and User's Guide for Small Cities- 3rd Edition, Commercial and Mixed-Use Development Code Handbook, Infill and Redevelopment Code Handbook, and current smart development best practices to:
  1. Evaluate the City's existing comprehensive plan policies and land use regulations; 
  2. Prepare recommendations for potential changes to comprehensive plan policies and land use regulations that will encourage smart development practices and compliance with the Oregon Transportation Planning Rule (OAR 660 Division 12); and 
  3. Review recommendations with a group of local decision makers to determine a future course of action.

3. Local Street Network Plan (2014-2015)

What is the LSNP Project? The City of Oakland received a grant from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) to study Oakland’s local street, bicycle and pedestrian network. The study is known as the Oakland Local Street Network Plan. 

Why did the City pursue this Study?
 The Oakland Local Street Network Plan helped the City comprehensively identify opportunities for transportation network improvements, and most importantly, priorities and clear actions for making those improvements. A primary focus of the study was building upon the efforts of the City to provide safer streets for schools and businesses. 
Important updates to transportation facilities can be very difficult for small communities to support alone. State and federal programs are an essential source for grants and loans for addressing these needs. Funders want assurance that projects have been broadly considered and are generally supported by the public. The Local Street Network Plan was conducted with broad public and agency participation, and as such provided critical leverage for accessing important resources that Oakland has had trouble securing in the past.
Key benefits to Oakland and its residents 
  • Clear priorities for transportation system improvements
  • Better integration of transportation with land uses
  • Improved access to funding opportunities of all kinds
  • A plan that reflects broad public input
  • Safer streets and paths for all ages and modes of travel
  • Research and evaluation of a bike and hike trail in Oakland as well as a trail/walkway from Oakland to Sutherlin.

How were Oakland residents involved? 
One of the primary goals of the Study was to ensure that the resulting plan reflects Oakland’s collective goals and values. A Citizen Advisory Committee  guided the process, and members of the community were encouraged to participate in the development of the plan. Public meetings as well as other creative opportunities for feedback will were announced widely and well attended. 

Project Schedule 
The project’s official start was mid-summer 2014. Tasks proceeded in rapid succession until summer 2015, when the project was essentially complete (awaiting adoption in conjunction with Code Assistance Project. Following is a summary of the schedule: