citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process.” Two communities
have been established for the project to help facilitate such participation:
Citizen's Advisory Committee
Jan Wier (City Council)
Tom Hasbold
Linda West
Craig Riley
Sharon Findling
TC Mkinley
Kathy Grime
Connie Riley
Kathy Grime
Connie Riley
Connie Riley
Project Advisory Committee
Mayor Bette Keehley
Sandi Simmons (Council Member)
Wayne Estes (Chair Planning Commission)
Jim Hart (Oakland Public Works)
Chris Glover (Oakland Rural Fire District)
Stuart Cowie (Douglas County Planning)
Josh Heacock (Douglas County Public Works)
Josh Heacock (Douglas County Public Works)
John McDonald (Oregon Department of Transportation)
Josh Labombard (Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development)
Cheryl Cheas (Umpqua Transit)
Katie Baxter (Oakland Safe Routes to Schools)
Katie Backster (Oakland Safe Routes to Schools)Josh Labombard (Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development)
Cheryl Cheas (Umpqua Transit)
Katie Baxter (Oakland Safe Routes to Schools)