Friday, August 8, 2014

Oakland Local Street Network Plan Kick-Off

The City of Oakland has secured a grant that will support a year long process to evaluate its transportation system and to outline the community's vision for the future of transportation in the City (including cars, bikes, walking, freight and rail). 

Initial steps of the project began in June of 2014. On September 16th, 2014 the first of several Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) and Project Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings will be held to establish goals and objectives for the project, to review and characterize existing conditions and to coordinate efforts among various stakeholders. Oakland's Planning Commission and City Council will also have a joint worksession to discuss the matter on September 24th, 2014 at 7:30 pm at City Hall. 
It's important that ALL voices are heard throughout this process. The Oakland Voices webpage serves as a resource for project staff, residents, and other stakeholders to obtain updates over the course of the project. It will also serve as one of several valuable resources for community feedback and will be monitored frequently for that purpose. Watch for updates from those meetings.

We encourage all to browse the site and familiarize themselves with it.

-Project Management Team

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