On September 16th, 2014, the Citizen and Project Advisory Committees met to review and discuss the initial elements of the project. The following week, on September 24th, Oakland's Planning Commission and City Council held a joint worksession to review the elements and committee feedback related to them.
1. Goals and Objectives (Draft Technical Memo 1)
2. Regulatory Framework (the existing rules that we need to follow) (Draft Technical Memo 2)
3. An Inventory and Evaluation of the Current Transportation System (Draft Technical Memo 3)
The primary objective of the first meetings was for committee members to get acquainted with each other and with the project and to obtain feedback on the first three draft technical memos. The feedback from the meetings was processed by staff and developed into Final Technical Memoranda addressing the subjects. The presentation from the meetings can be viewed and downloaded here.
Anyone interested can review a detailed list of Committee, Commission and Council feedback here. Feedback ranged from specific geographic areas of concern (e.g. Fifth Street and Oak/Locust Streets) to more thematic issues like the existence of unusable (and occasionally problematic) public rights-of-way (undeveloped streets). The changes have been reflected in the new Final Technical Memoranda 1, 2, and 3.
Though these memoranda will ultimately form the Draft and Final Local Street Network Plan, feedback on any of the details are welcome at any time, and will help inform the final Plan.
Feedback can be provided directly to City Hall through Terri Long (541-459-4531), to Project Manager Jacob Callister (jcallister@lcog.org, 541-682-4114), or through this website (as a comment to this post, or comment on the Feedback Booth). The Feedback Booth will have materials posted for committee member and public review and feedback. PLEASE USE IT!
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